Title: Playing His Game
Author: Audrey Randall
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: August 8, 2016
Playing His Game
Learning the moves from the best…
Aimee, a teacher, never wanted to be in the limelight, but when her professional videogame playing twin sister asked her to fill in for her at the regional championships, how could she say no? Especially, when the best player of The Celestial Prophesy is her teacher… in more ways than one. All she knows is that she is dying to lick his Star Wars Rebel Alliance tattoo and see if he is the Superman that his other body art implies.
He’s going to school the teacher…
Daemon Ivanov has lusted after Aimee for years. One taste of her and he knows that she will be his. A few nights will not be enough. Daemon plays to win.
Caution: This story is full of lust. So much lust that you might find that you need a fan due to the rising temperature in the room. It’s the first in a series with an HEA, but is a standalone story.
The Virgin and the Cowboy
Carey is having the worst day ever! Her expensive new shoe breaks causing her to fall, but to make matters worse, a hot cowboy witnesses it. She never expected that her worst day ever would land her in the arms of her dream cowboy. Don’t forget to read to the end to see Carey’s HEA.
These stories are meant for an adult audience. If you are 18+, enjoy!
Purchase your copy today!
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Aimee tried to listen to everything that Daemon told her about the game, but her eyes kept wandering over to his strong arms and the cute way that his dark hair curled at the nape of his neck. She hadn’t said much since their make-out session. She was equal parts proud of herself for going after him and mortified. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine herself masturbating in front of him and then practically placing her cunt on his mouth. However, she had also never imagined him being such a welcoming partner. Judging by the caresses that he had been giving her during their training session, she had an idea that he wanted to experience more of her soon. The one thing she knew for sure was that she would combust if he trailed another fingertip up her leg. As it was, she might have to excuse herself to get a fresh pair of panties.
“This is our main planet here,” Daemon said as he drove his space cruiser that looked a lot like a Star Wars X-Wing fighter, to a reddish brown planet.
“Okay, why do you need the planets?” she was sure that he must have mentioned it, but she had been daydreaming.
“We have to build our civilization so we can make the things that we need for battles. Like on this planet we get the ore to make our ships. The colors of the planet help us determine what they can be used for. For example, blue is water.”
Aimee was perplexed. This game was certainly more complex than she had given it credit for. “Then how do you compete if you have to spend all your time finding your materials and making things?”
Daemon reached over and grabbed the soda that she had finally offered him and took a long sip. As he put it down, he smiled to her. “Well, Nebula One, the maker of the game, takes out the territories of the competitors for the competition and puts them in a system where it’s only them competing in battle.”
As Aimee watched Daemon, or D3m0nChaser, as he was known on the game, navigate his ship through some tricky meteor filled airspace, she felt her heart sink. Just because Steph was her identical twin didn’t mean that Aimee could pass as Steph when it came to playing The Celestial Prophesy. Steph had always been good at games, whereas Aimee had always crashed hard.
“I don’t think that I’m going to be able to pass off as Steph,” she admitted as she bungled the controls. She winced as her ship once again crashed into an asteroid. The controls were so confusing. The top controls determined up and down, whereas the bottom controls steered right or left. She was able to do one or the other, but the two of them together- forget it! Helping Steph and her team was her goal, but she didn’t want to make her sister look bad, and that’s just what would happen if she continued this charade.
Aimee looked out of the corner of her eye to try to gage Daemon’s true feelings. In profile, he looked so masculine. His nose had a bit of a bump in it, like he had broken it at some point in time, but his sensuous lips identified him as a true lover. His jaw was squared and strong. Before they had started the game, he had reached into his pocket to pull out a pair of dark rimmed glasses, and put them on. She had never seen him wear glasses before, and he had made some comment about allergies and contacts being a bad mix. She found that she liked the glasses on him. They added character. A little geeky was quickly becoming her type. Especially those who sported a Rebel Alliance tattoo on their right bicep and Superman on their left. Her mouth watered, wanting to lick the vibrant lines of each.
He paused the game and turned toward her. He took her controller and placed it down next to his. Taking her hands, he held them in his as his thumbs rubbed circles along the top of her still sensitive hands. “Aimee, look at me.”
When she looked up at him, she saw warmth in his emerald eyes. “You’re going to do fine. The rest of the group will help get you through it. I’ll be right at your side. Just do as I say.”
“You better be! This controller is hard to use. I think I would do better if I had a joystick,” she grumbled.
A twinkle came to his eye and he let out a small laugh. He then brought her hands to his erect package, straining to get out of his pants. “I’ve got your joystick right here.”
Aimee started laughing so hard that she almost fell off the couch. Laughing helped her diffuse any tension and nerves that she had at the moment. “Thanks! I needed that!”
“How do you think my Johnson feels about you laughing at him?” Daemon jokingly pouted as he continued to loosely hold her hands to him.
The sound of the keys jingling outside the door with the occasional swearword from Alisha made Aimee leap away from Daemon as if she were on fire. She straightened her clothes and then hurried to open the door. Daemon merely laughed at her flustered movements.
Aimee swung open the door just as Alisha stood poised with the key ready to insert into the lock as Steph stood next to her. They all laughed as Aimee let them in.
Alisha came in and greeted Daemon as she came to sit with him on the couch. Aimee noted how Alisha’s smile seemed a little too big and she sat a little too close to Daemon for comfort. When he mentioned something, Alisha gave an exaggerated laugh and flipped her hair. Aimee actually heard herself growl. He was hers!
“Wow, Aimee. Cool it!” Steph gently murmured. Steph always seemed to know what was going on with her without any words being said; of course, Aimee’s growl was a bit of a giveaway.
Daemon stood up and gave Aimee a lazy smile and a wink, which had her heart working on overtime. Damn! No one should have the right to look so perfectly normal after what they just did. She ventured a glance over at Alisha to see that his flirtatious looks to her did not go unnoticed. Alisha was looking at him and was pouting. Daemon didn’t seem to notice Alisha as he sided up to Aimee and put his strong arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his warm, hard body. She shivered a little at the intimate contact as he leaned down and kissed her head.
Aimee looked at her sister and friend, melting at his actions. As awful as she felt admitting it, she was pleased that Alisha could see that she had lost the war. Daemon was hers. Steph gave her an ‘I knew it!’ smile, whereas, Alisha’s jaw dropped as her brows furled.
Aimee turned her head to see Daemon look back at the other ladies and lazily smile, “I was just teaching Aimee about joysticks.”
“I’m sure you were,” Steph sarcastically replied as she dropped to the couch next to Alisha.
About The Author
I’m just a girl who loves romance with heat in my books. From a young age, I used to sneak romance novels to read in the middle of the night. The more smut the better! When I’m not picturing men in kilts, or preferably nothing at all, I like to read, watch movies, and eat as much ice cream as possible!Feel free to contact me! I love to hear from my readers!