Published by WGW Books LLC Publication Date: December 15th 2016
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He definitely wasn't supposed to get that email...
Subject: My Boss.
Have I already told you that I hate my boss today?
Sexy as hell or not, this pompous, arrogant, ASSHOLE asked me to pick up his dry cleaning the second I walked through the door. Then he told me that I needed to take his Jaguar to a car wash that was ten miles outside of the city, but only after I needed to stand in a never-ending line to buy some type of limited, hundred-dollar watch.
I honestly can't wait to see the look on his face two months from now when I tell him that I'm quitting his company and that he can kiss my ass. KISS. MY. ASS.
All those former fantasies about him kissing me with his "mouth of perfection" or bending me over my desk and filling me with his cock are long over. OVER.
Your bestie,Mya
PS--Please tell me your day is going better than mine...
Subject: Re: My Boss.
No, you haven't already told me that you hate your boss today, but seeing as though you've sent me this email directly, I know now...
Yes, I did ask you to pick up my dry cleaning the second you arrived to work to day. (Where is it?) And I did tell you to take my Jaguar to the car wash and pick up my thousand-dollar watch. (Thank you for taking five hours to do something that could be accomplished in two.)
You don't have to wait two months from now to see the look on my face when you tell me you're quitting. I'm standing outside your office at this very moment. ( Open the door. )
No comment on your "fantasies," although I highly doubt they're "long over."
Your boss,Michael
PS--Yes. My day is definitely going far better than yours...
A steamy, office-romance novella from New York Times bestselling author, Whitney G.
Cocktails and Books received this book for free from Provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the book or the content of our review.
When Whitney G announces she has a new book coming out, I immediately at it to my TBR list and then greedily wait for that book to hit my kindle.
If you’ve read any of this author’s books, you know she has a knack for writing a hero that is a complete a-hole that normally would turn you off. But there is something about the hero that has you hanging on and looking for a thread of decency that would lead to a redeeming quality later on in the story. Michael Leighton was such an a-hole and had me really searching for that thread, because I wasn’t really sure there was going to be one. It was there, but he hid is well behind a giant wall of douchebaggery.
Mya, as Michael’s executive assistant, has to put up with him and all his pain in the arse glory. And she does, grudgingly so, despite being attracted to him. She may complain to her best friend about his emails, demands, attitude and the errands he forces her to run, but she always goes back and it always made me wonder why. Why she pushed his buttons (when she could). Why she stayed as long as she did and didn’t complain (even to Brad, who likely understand). I think, despite everything he said and did, Mya saw the thread of decency buried within Michael and it was that thread that kept her tied to him, even when she didn’t want to be.
If you’re a reader of this blog, then you know I have an issue with novellas. I always feel like I’m lacking something and try to steer clear. But now with this author’s novellas. I’m engaged immediately, drawn to the characters (even if I don’t want to be) and always feel like the characters somehow grew. That was clear with these characters. Would I have liked a full length novel? Yes. I have a feeling these characters had a few more issues that needed to be screwed out. But overall, I loved the story and characters enough to be satisfied in the end. Well done, Whitney G. Well done!