Release Blitz: Shattered Stars by Shari J Ryan

Posted April 4, 2019 by Elizabeth in Elizabeth B, New Releases / 0 Comments

Release Blitz: Shattered Stars by Shari J RyanShattered Stars Genres: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: April 4, 2019
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Cocktails and Books received this book for free from Foreward PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the book or the content of our review.

This is the type of book that’s actually a little hard to review because part of the enjoyment of the story is seeing it unfold organically, so please bear with me.

Shattered Stars is told in first person, from Dani (the female lead’s) point of view. We see her at 18 and again at 29/30, the story flips back and forth between the two ages and that concept works well here. Getting to see Dani’s relationship with Layne begin adds context to some of what they are dealing with in the present day.

This is a plot driven piece and not super long, so we don’t get a deep dive into the characters and who they are or their deeper motivations. But what we do see made me respect both of them and root for them to find a happy. There are things that Dani and Layne face, both as young adults and as a more mature couple that Ms Ryan handles with grace even when they might be uncomfortable to consider.

Shatter Stars is a well written and unique story. It’s a thought-provoking concept that I don’t think I’ve seen before and Ms Ryan executed it very well.

Release Date: April 4, 2019

Cover Design: MadHat Books




“You will lose your memory.”
That’s what a doctor told me at just twenty-nine years old.
My headaches and exhaustion weren’t from overexertion like I thought.
It was more. A lot more.

Despite my unimaginable challenges,
I found love at a time I needed it most.
Layne, a rising star and popular frontman,
was unknowingly singing life into my soul through his allusive lyrics.
I lived and breathed for the mesmeric sound of his voice.

Kismet led us to a kind of love anyone would die for.
However, Layne shouldn’t be stuck loving me after I begin to forget him.
We will once again be strangers, separated by a crowd.
I can no longer promise him a future like the one he vowed to me.

Layne is determined to help me get better.
I’m determined to make him see past my illness.
The outcome … to be determined.







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About the Author


Hi Everyone! I’m an indie writer of Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance, and Romantic Thrillers. Throughout the last six years of my writing journey, I’ve hit Amazon’s Top 100, Barnes & Noble’s Top 10, and iBooks at #1. Hiding in suburbia with my hubby and two wild little boys, my active imagination allows me to live life as adult with many imaginary friends.


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I am a full time mom who works part time. I squeeze reading in wherever I can between work, volunteer stuff, and kid activities. I read a little bit of everything, but really enjoy indie authors and Happy- Ever-Afters. I've been reviewing for Cocktails and Books since January 2015.