Cocktails and Books received this book for free from Wildfire Marketing in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the book or the content of our review.
My feelings about Southern Comfort are a little mixed. On one hand, I enjoyed the book and the hidden layers it revealed. On the other hand, it felt like there was a lot of drama for the sake of drama and I really wanted the characters to move on.
As much as I liked Casey and Olivia, I also felt like we skimmed the surface in getting to know them. Bits and pieces were revealed, but I didn’t feel the bone deep connection between these two like I have in previous works by Ms Madison. Part of it for me is that both Casey and Olivia made statements about how they saw the future, but we didn’t have the back ground as to why they felt that way. Olivia eventually revealed her reasoning, but for Casey it remained a mystery and that made his eventual change of heart seem out of place.
I finished Southern Comfort happy for the characters that the drama and intrigue were resolved, but also wanting to know more. Why does Casey keep his company a secret? How did Olivia’s legal drama resolve itself?
Overall, this was a good read and a good addition to the series. We saw a little bit of Kallie and Jacob and a little bit of characters to come. I am definitely curious about what happens next in this small town.
Release Date: April 14
Buried secrets never stay hidden in the South.
When you find out that your fiancé is arrested for swindling over ten million dollars from his clients, you do what any sane woman would do. You escape reality and go undercover, trading in your city-girl Louboutin’s for country-pumpkin cowboy boots.
It wasn’t a forever change—it was temporary. I only had to stay here until things back home got straightened out, or so I thought.
I was riding horses before I was walking, or at least that was what they told me. I always knew I would take over the family farm. It’s in my blood.
Country boy at heart, the minute I saw her dragging her luggage up the gravel driveway I knew she was out of my league.
I shouldn’t have started anything with her, because I knew she was just passing through.
I couldn’t stop it, I fell in love with her. Even though I knew, in the end, she would leave me.
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When her nose isn’t buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she’s in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It’s a good thing her characters do what she says, because even her Labrador doesn’t listen to her…
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