- Aaron, Angela
- Aarons, Carrie
- Abedi, Colet
- Acres, Natalie
- Adair, Cherry
- Adams, Christie
- Adams, Darling
- Aleo, Toni
- Alexander, Randi
- Allen, K.K.
- Allen, KK
- Allyn, Rue
- Alward, Donna
- Anderson, Andi
- Anderson, Beck
- Anderson, Catherine
- Andrews, Ilona
- Andrews, L.J.
- Andrews, Nazarea
- Andrews, Ryleigh
- Ann, Brooklyn
- Annett, Danielle
- Archer, Gillian
- Armentrout, Jennifer L.
- Fire in the Flesh , A (Flesh and Fire, #3)
- Fall of Ruin and Wrath (Awakening, #1)
- Dream of You (Wait for You #4.5)
- Forever with You (Wait for You #5)
- Moonlight Seduction (de Vincent, #2)
- Prince , The (A Wicked Trilogy, #3.5; 1001 Dark Nights, #85)
- Fire in You (Wait for You, #6)
- Light in the Flame , A (Flesh and Fire, #2)
- Fall With Me (Wait for You #4)
- From Blood and Ash
- Power, The (Titan, #2)
- War of Two Queens , The (Blood And Ash, #4)
- Till Death
- Torn (A Wicked Saga, #2)
- Oblivion (Lux, #1.5)
- Armstrong, Kelley
- Arthur, A.C.
- Ascher, Aurora
- Ashby, Anne
- Ashe, Katharine
- Ashenden, Jackie
- Ashley, Jae
- Ashley, Jennifer
- Ashley, Katie
- Ashley, Kristen
- Aston, Alexa
- Aston, Jana
- August, Noelle
- authors, Various
- Axelrod, Xio
- Ayres, D. D.
- Ayres, D. D. Ayress. s.
- Bailey, Shawn
- Bailey, Tessa
- Balogh, Mary
- Banks, Maya
- Barefoot, LW
- Barker, Freya
- Barnard, Jules
- Barnett, Jolyse
- Barth, Christi
- Bartlett, Gerry
- Baxter, Kate
- Baxter, Mandy
- Bay, Louise
- Beck, Samanthe
- Beckett, Sparrow
- Bell, Dana Marie
- Bell, Kimberly
- Bell, Serena
- Bell, Shelly
- Bennett, Amy Rose
- Bennett, Erin
- Bennett, Sawyer
- Sex in the Sticks (Love Hurts, #1)
- Wicked Favor (The Wicked Horse Vegas #1)
- Wicked Wish (The Wicked Horse Vegas Book 2)
- Ryker (Cold Fury Hockey, #4)
- Shaken, Not Stirred (Last Call #5)
- Sugar Daddy (Sugar Bowl, #1)
- Wicked Fall (The Wicked Horse #1)
- Wicked Lust (The Wicked Horse, #2)
- Zack (Cold Fury Hockey #3)
- Bishop (#1)
- Friction (Legal Affairs, #8)
- Hawke (Cold Fury Hockey, #5)
- Lucas (Cold Fury Hockey, #8)
- Marek (#11)
- Max (Cold Fury Hockey, #6)
- Roman (Cold Fury Hockey, #7)
- Ryker (Cold Fury Hockey, #4)
- Van (Cold Fury Hockey, #9)
- Wicked Lust (The Wicked Horse, #2)
- Wicked Ride (The Wicked Horse #4)
- Bentley, Karilyn
- Berg, J. L.
- Betancourt, Ingrid
- Beverley, Jo
- Bevis, Kaitlin
- Beyfuss, Brooke
- Biggar, Jacquie
- Bingham, Lisa
- Black, Shayla
- Black, Stormy Glenn and Olivia
- Blackwell, Scarlet
- Blackwood, Emily
- Blake, Elly
- Blake, Kasidy
- Blake, Lexi
- Blake, Liora
- Blake, Missy
- Blakeley, L.D.
- Blakely, Lauren
- Blaufeld, Rachel
- Blaydon, Louise
- Bliss, Chelle
- Bliss, Karina
- Bliss, Meredith Wild and Chelle
- Bocci, Nina
- Boehme, Kade
- Boldt, R.C.
- Boldt, Rc
- Bone, Katherine
- Books, Blushing
- Booth, Ainsley
- Bowen, Sarina
- Bower, CJ
- Boyett-Compo, Charlotte
- Bracken, Alexandra
- Bradley, by Celeste
- Bradley, Celeste
- Bradley, Eden
- Bree, J.
- Breene, K.F.
- Brennan, Allison
- Brenner, Jamie
- Briggs, Elizabeth
- Broadbent, Carissa
- Brock, April Elizabeth
- Bromberg, K.
- Brower, Dawn
- Brown, Mercy
- Brown, Stacey Marie
- Bryce, Brenda
- Buchbinder, Sharon
- Burgoa, Claudia Y.
- Burke, Darcy
- Burke, Jenna Bayley-
- Burton, Jaci
- Butler, Ellen
- Bybee, Catherine
- C., Cardeno
- Cabot, Meg
- Caldwell, Christi
- Calhoun, Anne
- Callihan, Kristen
- Cameron, Nicola
- Carew, Opal
- Carlan, Audrey
- Carley, Shane
- Carlino, Renee
- Carmack, Cora
- Carmen, Roya
- Carr, Cassandra
- Carroll-Bradd, Linda
- Carter, Aimee
- Casey, Elle
- Casey, London
- Cass, Sarah
- Castille, Sarah
- Castle, Jayne
- Castle, Kendra Leigh
- Cates, Georgia
- Caudill, Rebecca Norinne
- Cayo, Samantha
- Chance, Jennifer
- Charles, John
- Chartier, Dawn
- Chas, Ira
- Chase, Bethany
- Chase, Emma
- Chenery, Marisa
- Christopher, Andie J.
- Clair, Scarlett St.
- Claire, Sydney St.
- Clare, Jessica
- Clare, Kelly St.
- Clare, Pamela
- Clark, Rachel
- Clarke, M.
- Clayton, Alice
- Clayton, Nina Bocci and Alice
- Cleeton, Chanel
- Clouse, Elle
- Cocks, Heather
- Cole, Aria
- Cole, Courtney
- Cole, Stevie J.
- Cole, Tillie
- Colette, Jeannine
- Collins, Jackie
- Collins, Melissa
- Confer, Lorelei
- Connolly, Lynne
- Contreras, Claire
- Convington, Robin
- Coopmans, Kathy
- Cornick, Nicola
- Cosmo, Hurri
- Cosway, L.H.
- Couper, Lexxie
- Covington, Robin
- Crane, Megan
- Croft, Nina
- Cross, Julie
- Cross, Lindsay
- Crowne, Mackenzie
- Crownover, Jay
- Crump, Brianna Joy
- Cruz, Paisley
- Cunning, Olivia
- Curtis, Emmy
- Cutler, Melissa
- Daheim, Mary
- Dailey, Janet
- Dalton, Tymber
- Danann, Victoria
- Dane, Lauren
- Dangelico, P.
- Daniels, B. J.
- Daniels, J
- Davenport, Jami
- Davis, Jo
- Davis, Kyra
- Davis, Lexie
- Davis, Lia
- Daws, Amy
- Dawson, Jennifer
- Deane, Katherine
- Deaton, Tarina
- Dee, Jess
- Dee, Penny
- Demeter, Rachel L.
- Denault, Victoria
- Denham, C. Barry
- Dennard, Susan
- Denys, Jennifer
- DePaul, P. A.
- DePaul, Virna
- Design, Mae I
- Desrochers, Lisa
- Devon, Cat
- DeWylde, Saranna
- Dimon, HelenKay
- Dixon, Gray
- Donahue, Tina
- Donovan, Kate
- Douglas, Emma
- Douglas, Kate
- Douglas, Penelope
- Douglas, Ronnie
- Dover, L. P.
- Downs, Adele
- Doyle, Jen
- Doyon, Ashavan
- Dozier, Melinda
- Drake, Brenda
- Duke, Violet
- Dunaway, Michele
- Dunbar, LB
- Duvall, Dianne
- Dyer, K.C.
- Dyken, Rachel Van
- Matchmaker's Replacement, The (Wingmen Inc., #2)
- Capture (Seaside Pictures, #1)
- Elude (Eagle Elite #6)
- Empire (Eagle Elite, Book 7)
- Enrage (Eagle Elite #8)
- Eulogy (Eagle Elite, #9)
- Fraternize (Players Game #1)
- Infraction
- Dark Ones, The (The Dark Ones Saga #1)
- Untouchable Darkness (The Dark Ones Saga, #2)
- Steal (Seaside Pictures, #3)
- Ember (Eagle Elite #5)
- Playboy Bachelor, The (The Bachelors of Arizona, #2)
- Easterlin, A. E.
- Eastwick, Dominique
- Eden, Cynthia
- Eden, Veronica
- Editorial, Crimson Tide
- edwards, Nicole
- Elizabeth, Z.
- Elliott, Kelly
- Elyse, Drew
- Emery, J.C.
- Emery, JC
- Enoch, Suzanne
- Erickson, Karen
- Erickson, Megan
- Estep, Jennifer
- Evans, Harriet
- Evans, Katy
- Falls, S. K.
- Faulkner, carolyn
- Feather, Jane
- Feehan, Christine
- Fenton, Liz
- Fernando, Chantal
- Ficklin, Sherry D.
- Fields, Ella
- Fine, Chelsea
- Fisher-Davis, Susan
- Flynn, Avery
- Forand, Veronica
- Force, M.S.
- Force, Marie
- Forgy, M. N.
- Forrest, Adelaide
- Forte, Jemma
- Foster, Lori
- Fox, Abbey
- Fox, Addison
- Fox, Calista
- Fox, Cathryn
- Fox, Kennedy
- Fox, Lisa
- Fox, Tori
- Foxtail, Tamrie
- Frampton, Megan
- Frazier, T.M
- Frederick, Jen
- Freethy, Barbara
- Frost, Jayne
- Frost, Jeaniene
- G., Whitney
- Gabriel, Ana
- Galenorn, Yasmine
- Gallagher, Donna
- Garber, Stephanie
- Garcia, Kami
- Gardin, Diana
- Garnet, M.
- garwood, Julie
- Gayle, Catherine
- Gehrman, Jody
- Gibsen, Cole
- Gibson, Rachel
- Gillgannon, Mary
- Gilroy, Jen
- Glenn, Olivia Black and Stormy
- Glenn, Stormy
- Glines, Abbi
- Glover, Christine
- Godman, Jane
- Golden, Kim
- goodman, Rachel
- Goodwin, Daisy
- Goodwin, Emily
- Gower, Hazel
- Grace, Anne
- Grace, Melody
- Grant, Donna
- Grant, Rachel
- Gravier, Kestra
- Gray, Sherilee
- Grayson, K.L.
- Grey, Amelia
- Grey, Jeanette
- Grey, S. R.
- Grey, Sofia
- Griffin, laura
- Griffin, Patience
- Griffin, Rachel
- Gross, Aubrey
- Hachtel, Leslie
- Hall, Faye
- Hall, S.E.
- Halle, Karina
- Halston, Sidney
- Hampton, Cynthia
- Handeland, Lori
- Harber, Cristin
- hardt, Helen
- Harlem, Lily
- Harlow, Julia
- Harlow, Melanie
- Harner, Laura
- Harper, Molly
- Harrington, Anna
- Harris, Rachel
- Harrison, Ava
- Hart, Callie
- Hart, Lena
- Hart, Staci
- Hartmann, Jennifer
- Hartnett, J. B.
- Hauck, Rachel
- Havens, Houston
- Hawkeye, Lauren
- Hawkins, Alexandra
- Hawkins, J.D.
- Hayley, Elizabeth
- Hazen, Michelle
- Heaney, Katie
- Heath, Lorraine
- Hecht, Stephani
- Held, K.C.
- Hennessey, Judith
- Henry, Sophia
- Herter, Lori
- Higgins, Kristan
- Hildreth, Scott
- Hill, Sandra
- Hoffa, Tamara
- Holden, Kim
- Holland, Sara
- Hollingworth, April
- Holt, Desiree
- Hooks, S.J.
- Hoover, Colleen
- Hornak, Francesca
- Hornby, Gill
- Hubbard, Sara
- Huffman, Lisa
- Hughes, Charlotte
- Hughes, Maya
- Hunter, Elizabeth
- Hunter, Madeline
- Hunting, H.
- Hunting, Helena
- Hutchins, Amelia
- Huxley, Adele
- Jackson, A. L.
- Jackson, Sophie
- Jacobs, Ann
- Jacobs, Jaymee
- Jacobs, Kyra
- Jade, Ella
- Jaeger, Peggy
- James, Babette
- James, Clare
- James, Eloisa
- James, Julie
- James, Karolyn
- James, Lilian T.
- James, London Saint
- James, Lorelei
- James, Michelle St.
- James, Monica
- Jamie, Danielle
- jamieson, Kelly
- Jayne, Hannah
- Jenna, Iyana
- Jennings, S. L.
- Jensen, Danielle L.
- Jewel, Harper
- Jio, Sarah
- Joachim, Jean C.
- John, Debra St.
- Johns, Rachael
- Jolie, Mika
- Jones, Darynda
- Jones, Jenna
- Jones, Kim
- Jones, Lisa Renee
- Jong, Lisa De
- Jordan, Skye
- Jordan, Sophie
- Joyce, Linda
- Joyce, Rebecca
- Jump, Shirley
- Juris, D.C.
- Kane, Samantha
- Kantra, Marie ForceJodi ThomasShirley JumpVirginia
- Kantra, Virginia
- Karina, Rochelle
- Karr, Kim
- Kate, Lauren
- Kaye, Laura
- Kaye, Robin
- Kearl, J.M.
- Keeland, Vi
- Keir, Linda
- Kelley, April
- Kelly, Erika
- Kemmerer, Brigid
- Kendrick, Edward
- Kennedy, Elle
- Bad Girl Reputation (Avalon Bay, #2)
- Graham Effect , The (Campus Diaries, #1)
- Claimed (Outlaws, #1)
- Midnight Alias (Killer Instincts #2)
- Midnight Games (Killer Instincts #3)
- Midnight Rescue (Killer Instincts #1)
- Dare , The (Briar U, #4)
- Deal, The (Off-Campus #1)
- Mistake, The (Off-Campus #2)
- Risk , The (Briar U #2)
- Score, The (Off-Campus, #3)
- Ruled (Outlaws, #3)
- Kennedy, Stacey
- Kenner, J.
- Kenyhercz, Katie
- Kery, Beth
- Kilgore, C.E.
- Kincaid, Elena
- Kincaid, Harper
- Kincaid, Kimberly
- Kinsella, Sophie
- Kisset, Kate
- Klein, Melissa
- Kleypas, Lisa
- Knight, Angela
- Knight, Lisa
- Knight, Morticia
- Knightely, Erin
- Kreig, K.L.
- Kreig, KL
- Krentz, Jayne Ann
- Kyle, Regina
- Laditan, Bunmi
- Lake, Sandra
- Landon, Sydney
- Lane, Nina
- Lane, Prescott
- Lane, Soraya
- Langlais, Eve
- Laqueur, Suanne
- Larsen, Veronica
- Lauren, Christina
- Law, Kim
- Layne, Lauren
- Layton, A.K.
- Lea, Kassandra
- Leaf, Erin M.
- Lee, Frank
- Lee, Geneva
- Lee, Robinne
- LeFay, Amelia
- Leigh, Heather C.
- Leigh, Lora
- Leigh, Tara
- Leigh, Wendy
- Leighton, M.
- Lemmon, Jessica
- Leo, Cassia
- Leo, Rosanna
- Levine, Jenna
- Lewis, Sassie
- Lincoln, Liz
- Linde, K.A.
- House of Curses (Royal Houses, #3)
- Blood Match (Blood Type, #2)
- Struck from the Record (Record, #4)
- Bound, The (Ascension, Book 2)
- Society , The (Ascension, Book 4)
- Wright Boss, The
- Wright Brother, The (Wright #1)
- Wright Love, The (The Wright Love Duet #1)
- Wright Mistake, The
- Wright One, The (Wright Love Duet Book 2)
- Wright Secret, The
- Linden, Caroline
- Lindenblatt, Stina
- Lindsey, Johanna
- Locey, V. L.
- London, Clare
- London, Julia
- London, Ophelia
- Long, Heather
- Lopez, Lolita
- Loraine, Kim
- Loren, Roni
- Loring, Jennifer
- Love, Crystal-Rain
- Lowry, Dale Cameron
- Lynn, J.
- Lynn, KI
- Lynn, Michelle
- Lynn, Stacey
- Lyons, Heather
- MacAlister, Katie
- Madden, A. M.
- Madden-Mills, Ilsa
- Madison, Natasha
- Madison, Temple
- Madsen, Cindi
- Magee, Jamie
- Malcolm, Kayleigh
- Malcom, Anne
- Mallery, Susan
- Malone, Nana
- Malone, Shannen
- malpas, Jodi Ellen
- Maltese, Racheline
- Mandrake, Michael
- March, Emily
- March, Meghan
- Marean, Sheri-Lynn
- Marr, Melissa
- Marsh, Ava
- Martin, Alexa
- Martin, Lex
- Martinez, Ali
- Martinez, Aly
- Fighting Shadows (On the Ropes #2)
- Fighting Solitude (On The Ropes Book 3)
- Singe (Guardian Protection, #1)
- Brightest Sunset, The (The Darkest Sunrise, #2)
- Truth About Lies , The (The Truth Duet, Book 1)
- Truth About Us , The (The Truth Duet Book 2)
- Thrive
- Darkest Sunrise, The (The Darkest Sunrise Duet Book 1)
- Fighting Silence (On the Ropes #1)
- Retrieval (The Retrieval Duet, #1)
- Difference Between Someday and Forever , The (Difference Trilogy, #3)
- Masters, Ellie
- Masters, Sandra
- Masters, Zenina
- Matthews, Bella
- Mattison, Sage L.
- Maurice, Christa
- Maxwell, Gina
- Maxwell, Gina L.
- Mayburn, Ann
- Mayer, Shannon
- Maylee, S.J.
- Mazzola, Kristen Hope
- McAdams, Molly
- McCarthy, Erin
- McCarty, Monica
- McCoy, Katie
- McGarry, Katie
- McGee, Kayti
- McGee, Laurelin
- McGinley, Syd
- McGuire, Jamie
- McHugh, Crista
- McHugh, Gail
- McIntosh, Will
- McKenna, Cara
- McKenzie, Cooper
- McKinney, T.S.
- McKnight, Katie
- McLain, Molly
- McLaughlin, Heidi
- McLaughlin, Jen
- Me, Tara Sue
- Meader, Kate
- Meadows, Cheyenne
- Metzger, Barbara
- Michael, Sean
- Michaels, Bethany
- Michaels, Corinne
- Michaels, Nicole
- Michele, Ryan
- Michelle, Mia
- Miller, Raine
- Millikin, Jennifer
- Monroe, Mary Alice
- Moon, Jeannie
- Moore, Laura
- Moore, Lulu
- Moose, S.
- Moran, Kelly
- Morgan, Angi
- Morgan, Heather CocksJessica
- Morgan, Jessica
- Morgan, Mary
- Morgan, Sarah
- Morgan, Victoria
- Morris, Linda
- Mullins, Jenna
- Murphy, Lee Ann Sontheimer
- Murphy, Monica
- Murphy, Sloane
- Murray, Jeanette
- Myers, Chris
- Nash, Willa
- Naughton, Elisabeth
- Neill, Chloe
- Nelson, Virginia
- Netzel, A.C.
- Nielsen, N.J.
- Nissenson, Janet
- Niven, Jennifer
- Noblin, Annie England
- Noel, Alyson
- Noelle, Alexis
- Novak, Brenda
- Pace, Lilah
- Paige, Anna
- Paige, Laurelin
- Pamfiloff, Mimi Jean
- Parker, Tamsen
- Parkes, Elodie
- Particka, Julie
- Patel, Sajni
- Patterson, James
- Peaches, Jaye
- Perini, Mark
- Perry, Devney
- Persaud, Diana
- Phillips, Carly
- Phillips, Christina
- Pirri, Nancy
- Poe, Juliette
- Porter, Katie
- Poston, Ashley
- Prescott, R.J.
- Prince, Jessica
- Probst, Jennifer
- Proby, Kristen
- Pryor, A.J.
- Race, Lucinda
- Radcliffe, Jules
- Rae, Jamie
- Rancourt, Liv
- Rawson, Joanne
- Raye, Kimberly
- Rayne, Cynthia
- Rayven, Leisa
- Read, Calia
- Reagan, L.C.
- Rebels, Rookie
- Rebolini, Arianna
- Rebolini, Katie Heaney and Arianna
- Redford, Jodi
- Reeve, T. L.
- Reichert, Amy E.
- Reid, Penny
- Reiss, C. D.
- Renarde, Giselle
- Renee, Holly
- Reus, Katie
- Reynolds, Aurora Rose
- Reynolds, E. A.
- Rhodes, Beth
- Rhymes, Alison
- Rice, Lisa Marie
- Richard, Shannon
- Richards, Charlie
- Richards, Isabelle
- Richards, J.
- Richards, Tory
- rider, Sara
- Riley, Gia
- Riley, Johanna
- Riley, Lia
- Robards, Karen
- Robert, Katee
- Roberts, Rylie
- Robinson, K. A.
- Robinson, M.
- Robinson, Sarah
- Robson, Cecy
- Rock, Joanne
- Rock, Suzanne
- Rodale, Maya
- Roemer, Theresa
- Rogers, Amy K.
- Rosa, Alex
- Rose, Karen
- Rose, Katie
- Rose, Renee
- Rose, Tara
- Ross, Christina
- Ross, Rebecca
- Roth, Michelle
- Rothert, Brenda
- Roux, Justus
- Royce, Rebecca
- Rush, Monica
- Ryan, Carrie Ann
- Ryan, Kendall
- Ryan, Kennedy
- Ryan, Lexi
- ryder, Megan
- Sanders, Ahren
- Saunders, Christina
- Savage, Shay
- Savage, Storm
- Sax, Cynthia
- Scardoni, Bianca
- Scarlett, R.
- Schwehm, Joanne
- Score, Lucy
- Scott, Jessica
- Scott, Kylie
- Scott, Melanie
- Scott, Rozenn
- Scott, S.L.
- Scott, Tarah
- Sedoti, Chelsea
- Settarra, Bella
- Shade, Angora
- Shade, S.M.
- Shalvis, Jill
- Shannon, Jill
- Shaw, Jamie
- Shay, Tabitha
- Shayne, Maggie
- Shayne, Meredith
- Shea, Rebecca
- Shelley, Susan Scott
- Sheridan, Kara
- Shirvington, Jessica
- Siegemund-Broka, Austin
- Silver, Lynn
- Silver, Lynne
- Simcox, Laura
- Simmons, L. B.
- Simon, Missty
- Simone, Sierra
- Sinclair, Sophie
- Singh, Nalini
- Sivec, Tara
- Skiba, Camelia Miron
- Slaughter, Karin
- Sloan, Harper
- Sloane, Candy
- Smarts, Amelia
- Smith, Lauren
- Smith, Megan
- Smith, T.L.
- Snopek, Roxanne
- Snow, Emily
- Snow, Jenika
- Snow, Jennifer
- Snow, Tiffany
- Solheim, Tracy
- Sommerland, Bianca
- Spark, Kerrelyn
- Springsteen, Kay
- Stacey, Shannon
- Stark, Lynn
- Starke, Olivia
- Steele, J. Hali
- Stein, Sommer
- Steiner, Kandi
- Steinke, Lisa
- Stephens, R.C.
- Stephens, S.C.
- Sterling, J.
- Stevens, Felice
- Stevens, Lizzy
- stewart, Delancey
- Stewart, J.M.
- Stone, Sara Jane
- Storm, Cree
- Strickland, Laura
- Subject, Jessica E.
- Sue, Victoria
- Sulli, Kay C.
- summers, Anya
- Summers, Michele
- Summers, Sasha
- Suzanne, Lisa
- Swafford, Carla
- Swan, T.L.
- Swank, Denise Grover
- Swift, Parker
- Tan, Cecilia
- Tassler, Nina
- Tate, Ravenna
- taylor, Taryn Leigh
- Terry, Candis
- Thalassa, Laura
- Thom, Tor
- Thompson, Claire
- Thompson, Nancy
- Thompson, Vicki Lewis
- Thorne, Sally
- Tijan
- Todd, E.L.
- Topper, Jessica
- Torre, Alessandra
- Torrest, T.
- Tortuga, B.A.
- Trace, Dakota
- Trentham, Laura
- Tucker, K.A.
- Turner, Skye
- Tyler, J.D.
- Tyler, Paige
- Tyler, Stephanie
- Vale, Vanessa
- Valente, Lili
- Valentine, Michelle A.
- Vanterpool, Shana
- Vaughn, Jodi
- Vaughn, Piper
- Vaught, Vikki
- Vayden, Kristin
- Vining, Season
- Vitek, Jody
- Voisen, Angelique
- Volney, Dana
- Wadsworth, Joanne
- Walker, Ann Marie
- Walker, Regan
- Walker, Shiloh
- Waller, Kizzie
- Walters, A. Meredith
- Wane, B.J.
- Ward, J.R.
- Ward, Laura
- Ward, Penelope
- Ward, Shauna
- Warren, Christine
- Warren, Tracy Anne
- Warwick, Alexandria
- Waters, Misty D.
- Waters, Natasza
- Watson, Shaniel
- Watt, Erin
- Weaver, Paige
- Webb, M. C.
- Weir, Andrea
- Wells, A. Wilding
- West, Heloise
- West, Nina
- West, Shannon
- Whelan, Julia
- Whitfield, Jade
- Whiting, Frances
- Whitten, Hannah F.
- Wibberley, Emily
- Wiggs, Susan
- wild, Meredith
- Wilde, Carly Phillips and Erika
- Wilde, Erika
- Wilde, Lori
- Wildenstein, Olivia
- Wilder, Jasinda
- Williams, Mary j
- Williams, Shanora
- Williams, Whitney Garcia
- Williams, Whitney Gracia
- Willoughby, Kate
- Willows, Aidan
- Wilson, L. E.
- Winfield, Ryan
- Winston, Charlotte
- Winters, Pepper
- Wolfe, Jean
- Wolfe, Lacey
- Wolff, Tracy
- Woods, Harper L.
- Worrell, Niki
- Wren, Caroline
- Wren, Carolyn
- Wright, Laura
- Wyatt, Morgan K.
- Wylde, Joanna
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